Manajer Produksi Campuran Aspal Panas (Asphalt Mixing Plant Manager) (SI022001)
Jenis Skema : Okupasi
Jenjang (Level) :
Hot Asphalt Mixing Plant Manager (Code : SI022001)
Unit Kompetensi:
Kode Unit : SPL.KS11.221.00
Menerapkan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) dan Lingkungan
Implement Occupational Safety and Health (K3) and Environment
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.221.00
Menyiapkan Pekerjaan Produksi Campuran Aspal Panas Secara Rinci dan Jelas
Preparing Hot Mix Asphalt Production Work In Detail and Clearly
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.222.00
Merencanakan Kebutuhan Peralatan AMP Sesuai Job Order
Planning AMP Equipment Needs According to Job Order
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.223.00
Menyusun Jadual Tenaga Operator, Pembantu Operator dan Mekanik
Compiling the Schedule of Operators, Assistant Operators and Mechanics
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.224.00
Merencanakan Kebutuhan Bahan Dan Material Sesuai Pesanan ( Job Order)
Planning Material Requirements and Materials Appropriately Orders (Job Orders)
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.225.00
Mengatur Pelaksanaan Produksi Sesuai Kebutuhan Pekerjaan Di Lapangan
Arranging the Implementation of Production According to Work Needs in Field
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.226.00
Memonitor Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Produksi Campuran Aspal Panas
Monitor the Implementation of Mixed Production Work Hot Asphalt
Kode Unit : SPL.KS21.227.00
Menyusun Laporan Hasil Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan
Compile Work Implementation Report